Text of the Hamilton Climate Emergency Declaration

Here is the text of Hamilton's Climate Emergency Declaration, unanimously adopted March 27, 2019:

City of Hamilton's Climate Emergency Declaration

Unanimously adopted March 27, 2019 (a) That the City of Hamilton declare a climate emergency that threatens our city, region, province, nation, civilization, humanity and the natural world; (b) That a multi-departmental Corporate Climate Change Task Force of City of Hamilton staff be created under the leadership of the City Manager; (c) That the Corporate Climate Change Task Force be directed to investigate and identify:

(i) Additional actions to be taken to incorporate into existing plans and policies to achieve net zero carbon emissions before 2050; (ii) Best processes to centralize reporting on Climate Change for the Corporation of the City of Hamilton; (iii) Green initiative investments and returns to the community, including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) The City of Hamilton has reduced its carbon footprint since 2005. In addition to efforts surrounding mitigating personal property flooding the City has initiated a number of energy conservation initiatives; (2) Energy intensity at City facilities (e.g. Recreation, Lodges, Entertainment, Police, etc.), has been reduced by 28% when comparing 2017 versus 2005; (3) The City of Hamilton was a leader in the development of local district energy. The City of Hamilton established Hamilton Renewal Power Inc. (HRPI), which operates cogeneration at the wastewater treatment plant and landfill. HRPI generates 28,000,000 kwh of renewable energy annually with a reduction of 100,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide; (4) Cumulative greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions from energy conservation initiatives over the period 2011-2017 is 52,325 tonnes; (5) When comparing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the periods 2016 versus 2005, 2005 emissions were in excess of 120,000 tonnes, decreasing to in excess of 80,000 tonnes by 2016; and,

(6) At the Bay Area Climate Change Summit some clear directions were discussed that would allow Hamilton to meeting its climate change targets:

(aa) All new building be built net zero by 2030 and all new buildings retrofitted by 2050 including fuel switching; (bb) All diesel vehicles be decommissioned by 2030 and all vehicles electrified by 2050; (cc) Low carbon technology for our steel manufacturing and other district energy technologies; and, (dd) These initiatives would need to be taken by all partners and the City could show leadership by committing to these actions for construction and renovations of City facilities, requiring net zero construction where the City funds organizations for building (i.e. affordable housing) and the City could continue to “green” its own fleet of vehicles towards the goals listed above;

(iv) Gaps in current programs and projects and strategies to address those gaps; and, (v) The establishment of a critical path and Terms of Reference to initiate an awareness strategy campaign to encompass the history of global warming, climate change and the United Nation’s Declaration on a Climate Emergency, which is to include the impacts of not taking such action, and the investment vs. the expense of taking such action;

(d) That the Corporate Climate Change Task Force report back to the Board of Health within 120 days; and, (e) That Council supports City of Hamilton staff participation in Bay Area Climate Change Implementation Teams as subject matter experts to accelerate climate action across the Bay Area.

Adopted 16-0, Hamilton Council Minutes 19-006 March 27, 2019, Page 13-14 of 67. Typos in original.

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